Prerequisite program (PRP) for Food Safety

Hereby is an of a PRP;

StandardStandard textIncluded inArgumentation
2. Furnishing: design and facilities
2.1.1 Device2.1.1.1 Establishments may not be located in places where it is clear that they pose a threat to food safety. In particular, establishments will normally be located at a distance from:  
• Contaminated sites and industrial activities that pose a serious risk of contamination of foodstuffs.
• Areas exposed to flooding unless adequate safety measures have been taken.
• Areas contaminated by pests or plant diseases, or where this is likely to be the case.
• Sites whose waste, both solid and liquid, cannot be adequately removed
EnvironmentThe company is so structured that the environment does not adversely affect the safety of products, buildings and personnel
2.1.2 Equipment2.1.2.1 The equipment/material shall be arranged in such a way that it can be:
• Used and cleaned effectively.
• Functions in accordance with the intended use.
• Enables good hygienic application, including monitoring.
Meets the set requirements. All the material is easy to clean and intended for use. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
2.2 Buildings and premises
2.2.1 Design and layout2.2.1.1 Where appropriate, the indoor design and layout shall allow for good hygiene practices, including protection against harmful cross-contamination/contaminationMeets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.

2.2.2 Internal structures and building materials2.2.2.1 Interior structures for the processing of foodstuffs shall be made of suitable materials which are easy to maintain, dismantle and, if necessary, disinfectMeets the set requirements. All the material is easy to clean and intended for use. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan. The surfaces of walls, partitions and floors shall be constructed and finished in such a way as to prevent the accumulation of dirt and condensation and the contamination by particles as far as possible.Meets the set requirements. All surfaces of walls, partitions and floors are constructed and finished in such a way that the accumulation of dirt, condensation and particle pollution is prevented as much as possible. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan. Walls and partitions shall have a smooth surface to a height appropriate to the activitiesMeets the set requirements. Walls and partitions have a smooth surface to a height that is appropriate for the activities This becomes. assessed at the internal audit survey scan. Floors shall be constructed in such a way that proper drainage and cleaning is possible.Meets the set requirements. All floors and drains are easy to clean and intended for use. This is assessed during the internal audit survey scan. Ceilings and overhanging fasteners shall be constructed and finished in such a way as to prevent the accumulation of dirt and condensation, and particulate contamination as far as possibleMeets the set requirements. All ceilings and overhanging fasteners are finished in such a way that accumulation of dirt and condensation, and contamination by particles is prevented as much as possible and is easy to clean. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan. Windows shall be constructed in such a way that they are easy to clean and that dirt accumulation is prevented as far as possible. Where necessary, the windows must be equipped with mosquito nets that can be removed and cleaned. If necessary, the windows should be fixedMeets the set requirements. All windows are constructed in such a way that they are easy to install, and that accumulation of dirt is prevented as much as possible. Where necessary, windows are equipped with mosquito nets that can be removed and cleaned. If necessary, the windows can be fixed. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan. Doors shall be made of smooth and impermeable material and shall be easy to install, maintain and disinfect.Meets the set requirements. All material is easy to clean and/or disinfect and intended for use. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan. Surfaces in direct contact with foodstuffs shall be in good condition and of durable material which is easy to clean, maintain and disinfect. Surfaces should be made of smooth, impermeable material that is inert to food and that can withstand repeated cleaning and disinfection under normal conditions.Meets the set requirements. All material is smooth, and of impermeable material and can also be cleaned and / or disinfected and intended for use. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
2.2.3 Temporary/movable facilities for vending machines2.2.3.1 Devices and structures shall be situated, designed and constructed in such a way as to avoid contamination of foodstuffs and the accumulation of pests as far as possibleN/a. Any potential danger to foodstuffs associated with such facilities must be adequately identified and controlled in order to ensure the safety and soundness of foodstuffs.N/a.
2.3.1 General2.3.1.1 Installation components and reusable containers in direct contact with foodstuffs shall be designed and constructed in such a way that, if necessary, they can be effectively cleaned, disinfected and maintained to prevent contamination of the product.Meets the set requirements. All material is easy to clean and/or disinfect and intended for use. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan. Installation parts and containers shall be made of materials that, under normal conditions of use, are not toxic.Various specifications in Meets the set requirements. Installation parts and containers are made of materials that, under normal use, are not toxic. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan. If necessary, installations are durable and movable or demountable, so that maintenance, cleaning, disinfection, monitoring and, for example, an inspection of used goods is possible.Meets the set requirements. Installations are durable and/or movable or demountable, so that maintenance, cleaning, disinfection, monitoring and, for example, an inspection of pests is possible. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
2.3.2 Food control and monitoring of installations2.3.2.1 In addition to the general requirements in section 2.3.1, installations/equipment for cooking, heat treatment, , freezing, or freezing of foodstuffs shall be designed in such a way that the required product temperatures can be reached as quickly as possible (if affecting the safety and soundness of the food) and that the temperature can be properly maintained.Meets the set requirements. The installations are designed in such a way that the required product temperatures can be reached as quickly as possible (if affecting the safety and soundness of the food) and that the temperature can be properly maintained. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan. The installation/equipment shall also be designed in such a way that temperatures are recorded and controlled. If necessary, the equipment shall be equipped with effective means of controlling and recording humidity, air flows and any other process parameter which may adversely affect the safety and soundness of foodstuffs.Various forms and editing via the toolMeets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
2.3.3 Containers for waste and non-consumable Containers for waste, by-products and products not fit for human consumption or dangerous products shall be recognizable and well constructed. Where applicable, they shall be made of impermeable materials.Meets the set requirements. All material is easy to clean and/or disinfect and intended for use.
This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan. Containers used for the storage of hazardous substances shall be marked as such. Where applicable, they should be lockable to prevent accidental and unintentional contamination/contamination of foodstuffsMeets the set requirements. All material is easy to close if applicable to prevent accidental and non-intentional contamination/contamination of food products. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
2.4.1 supply2.4.1.1 To the extent necessary, there must be an adequate supply of drinking water at all times, with suitable facilities for the storage, distribution and temperature control of the water. Drinking water must at least meet the requirements published in the WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality.Drinking water is used.Meets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan. Separation systems for non-drinking water (e.g. for extinguishing water, steam production, freezing) shall be labeled as such and shall not be connected to, or allow mixing with, drinking water systems.Meets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
2.4.2 Drainage of fluids and waste streams2.4.2.1 Systems for drainage of liquids and wastewater streams shall be available and shall be designed, constructed and maintained in such a way as to prevent contamination/contamination of foodstuffs and drinking water facilities.Meets the set requirements. These are designed, constructed and maintained in such a way as to prevent contamination or contamination of foodstuffs and drinking water supplies. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
2.4.3 Cleaning2.4.3.1 Adequate equipment, suitably designed, shall be available for the cleaning of consumer goods and equipment in contact with foodstuffs. If necessary, these facilities must have an adequate supply of cold and hot (suitable temperature) drinking water.Meets the set requirements. The facilities are suitable and available for cleaning consumables and equipment in contact with foodstuffs. These facilities have an adequate supply of cold and hot (suitable temperature) drinking water. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
2.4.4 Personal hygiene, facilities and toilets2.4.4.1 Adequate means of hygienic washing and drying of hands, including washbasin and supply of cold and hot (appropriate temperature) drinking water, shall be available.Meets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan. Toilets of appropriate hygienic design shall be available.Meets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan. Suitable changing facilities for personnel shall be available.Meets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan. The aforementioned facilities shall be appropriately located and designed.Meets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
2.4.5 Temperature control2.4.5.1 Facilities for heating, cooling or freezing foodstuffs or storage of refrigerated or frozen foods shall be suitable to achieve and maintain the established conditions to ensure the safety of foodstuffsHandbookMeets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
2.4.6 Air quality and ventilation2.4.6.1 Mechanical or natural ventilation shall ensure that:
• Contamination of foodstuffs from the air (e.g. aerosols or condensation droplets) is minimized.
• Ambient temperatures are controlled.
• Humidity is controlled

Meets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan. systems shall be designed and constructed in such a way that air does not flow from contaminated areas to clean areas and that these systems can be properly maintained and cleaned.Meets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
2.4.7 Lighting2.4.7.1 The intensities and color of the lighting shall be sufficient to ensure the production and treatment of safe foodstuffs.Meets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan. Where necessary, lighting shall be shielded to prevent any contamination/contamination of foodstuffsMeets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
2.4.8 Storage2.4.8.1 Suitable facilities for the storage of food ingredients and non-food materials (such as cleaning agents, lubricants and fuels) shall be available.Meets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan Food storage facilities shall be designed and constructed in such a way as to:
• Allow adequate maintenance and cleaning.
• Prevent shelters and accumulation of pests.
• Effectively shield foods from contamination/contamination.
• Loss of product shall be prevented.
Meets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan Storage facilities shall be designed, constructed and maintained in such a way as to prevent intentional or unintentional contamination/contamination of foodstuffs with harmful substances.Complies with the requirements set in such a way as to prevent intentional or unintentional contamination or contamination of foodstuffs with harmful substances. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
3.1 Control of potential hazards to food3.1.1 Food companies should control food hazards by applying systems such as HACCP. These management systems should be applied throughout the food chain to ensure the safety and fairness of food throughout the life phase of the product.Hazard and various . The HACCP study has been carried out and implementedHazards are controlled by applying the HACCP analysis.
3.2.1 Time and Temperature control3.2.1.1 Temperature and time management systems shall be operational during heating, cooling and storage where necessary for the production and handling of food safety. Management systems include critical limits, recording and testing of the accuracy of the measuring instrumentsHazard analysis and various procedures. The HACCP study has been carried out and implementedManagement systems are available, equipped with limits, registrations and tests of accuracy. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
3.2.2 Specific process steps3.2.2.1 Other process steps, such as cooling, thermal treatment, irradiation, drying, chemical preservation, vacuum or appropriate atmospheric packaging, shall be assessed for their impact on the safety and soundness of foodstuffs.Hazard analysis and various procedures. The HACCP study has been carried out and implementedThe process steps are judged on their influence on the safety and soundness of the foodstuffs. This is assessed in the hazard analysis, internal audit survey scan.
3.2.3 Microbiological and other characteristics3.2.3.1 Where microbiological, chemical or physical specifications are relevant for the safety of foodstuffs, these specifications shall be based on sound scientific principles and, where necessary, procedures for monitoring, action limits and methods of analysis shall be established and established.Hazard analysis and various procedures. The HACCP study has been carried out and implementedMeets the requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan
3.2.4 Microbiological cross-contamination3.2.4.1 Where necessary, raw materials and untreated foodstuffs should be effectively separated from treated foodsMeets the set requirements. Where necessary, raw materials and untreated foods are effectively separated from treated foods. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan. All surfaces, utensils, equipment, fasteners and supplies must be clean and, where necessary, disinfected after contact with unprocessed food, to prevent contamination/ contaminationMeets the set requirements. All material is easy to clean and/or disinfect and intended for use. Cross-contamination is prevented. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.

3.2.5 Physical and chemical contamination3.2.5.1 Systems shall be operational to prevent contamination/contamination of foodstuffs by foreign objects (e.g. glass, metal, dust-damaging fumes) and harmful chemicals
Non-procedural components and hazard study
Meets the
set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan. Appropriate and
effective detection or read/sorting (screening) devices
should be applied where necessary.

Non-procedural components and hazard study
Meets the
set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
3.3 Requirements for incoming materials
3.3.1 Specifications3.3.1.1 No raw material or ingredient may be accepted by the food company if it is known to contain parasites, undesirable micro-organisms, , animal medicines or toxic, decomposed or foreign substances, which cannot be reduced to an acceptable level by conventional sorting and/or
treatment. Where necessary, specifications for raw materials should be established and applied.
Various specifications,
hazard study, , supplier and supplier assessment and

Meets the
set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
3.3.2 Entry inspection3.3.2.1 Where appropriate, raw materials or ingredients shall be inspected and sorted prior to treatment. Where necessary, tests should be carried out to determine their suitability for use. Only suitable and sound raw materials should be used.Entry control and hazard studyMeets the
set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
3.3.3 Storage rotation3.3.3.1 Storage of raw materials and ingredients must be managed effectively (rotation, first-in-first-out)We work
according to FIFO and FEFO
Meets the
set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
3.4 Packaging
3.4.1 Design and materials3.4.1.1 The design and packaging materials shall provide appropriate protection for foodstuffs in order to minimize contamination, prevent damage and provide appropriate labeling.Product , iMIS
manuals and specifications
Meets the
set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
3.4.2 Food-grade
materials and gases Packaging materials and gases shall not be toxic and shall not endanger the safety and soundness of foodstuffs under the conditions established and recorded for storage and useVarious specifications in 32 foldersInstallation parts
and containers are made of materials that, under normal use, are not toxic.
3.4.3 Reusable packaging3.4.3.1 Reusable packaging shall be sufficiently durable, easy to clean and, if necessary, disinfectable.Meets the
set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
3.5 Water
3.5.1 Water in contact
with foodstuffs Drinking water should be used for the treatment and production of foodstuffs, with the exception of:
• For the production of steam, fire control and similar applications not related to food products
• In certain processes (e.g. cooling) and production areas and places where this does not pose a risk to food safety (e.g. use of clean seawater).
3.5.2 Reuse of
recycled treated water Recirculated water for reused shall be treated and kept in such a condition
that it does not endanger the safety of
foodstuffs.  This process must be effectively monitored.
3.5.3 Reuse of
circular untreated water Recirculated water for re-use, which has not undergone any further treatment and water
collected from the treatment of foodstuffs by evaporation or drying may be used if it has been established that such use does not pose a
risk to the safety and soundness of foodstuffs.
3.5.4 As a component3.5.4.1 Drinking water should be used.Specific
3.5.5 Ice and steam3.5.5.1 Ice shall be made from water meeting the requirements of section 2.4.1. Ice and steam must be produced, treated and stored in such a way as to
prevent contamination.
Specific Steam that comes into direct contact with foodstuffs or with surfaces in contact with foodstuffs shall not contain components and/or additives that are harmful to the safety of foodstuffs.Specific
3.6 Management and supervision
3.6.1 Method of
control and monitoring The methods of control and supervision should depend on the size of the holding, the nature of the activities and the type of food.Hazard study and
various procedures and registrations
Meets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
3.6.2 Required knowledge3.6.2.1 Supervisory management should have sufficient knowledge of the principles and practices of food safety and soundness to be able to assess potential risks, take appropriate preventive and corrective action and ensure effective monitoring and surveillance.Job descriptions
and the procedure education and training
Meets the
set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
3.7 Documentation / registrations
3.7.1 Registrations3.7.1.1 Where necessary, appropriate records of processes, production and distribution should
be kept and stored for a period exceeding the shelf life of the foodstuffs.
DocumentationMeets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
3.7.2 Effectiveness and credibility3.7.2.1 Documentation should improve the effectiveness and credibility/reliability of the
food safety system.
DocumentationMeets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
3.8 Recall procedures
3.8.1 Efficient procedures3.8.1.1 Management staff shall ensure that effective procedures are in place in the event of a food safety hazard and that allow for a complete, rapid recall of the market of each affected batch or product suppliedRecall, blockade and incidentsMeets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
3.8.2 Tracing & Tracking3.8.2.1 If a product has been recalled because of an immediate health hazard, other products produced
and/or treated under similar conditions, which may present a similar risk to public health, shall be assessed for safety and may need to be recalled from the market.  The need for public warnings should be considered
Recall, blockade and incidentsMeets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
3.8.3 Destruction or reprocessing3.8.3.1 Recalled foods should be kept under surveillance until they are destroyed, used for purposes other than human consumption,
or reprocessed in a way that ensures safety.
Recall, blockade and incidentsMeets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
4 Furnishing: maintenance and care
4.1 Maintenance and Cleaning
4.1.1 General4.1.1.1 Establishments and installations shall be kept in an appropriate state of maintenance and in such a condition that:
• All cleaning procedures are made possible
• They shall function as intended, in particular with regard to critical steps.
• Contamination of foodstuffs is prevented, e.g. by
metal shavings, peeling linings, shards/debris and chemicals
Cleaning procedures and work instructionsMeets the set requirements.  This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan Cleaning shall remove food residues and dirt that may be a source of contamination. The necessary cleaning methods and materials will depend on the nature of the food business. Disinfection may be necessary after cleaning.Cleaning procedures and work instructionsMeets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan Cleaners/chemicals should be handled with caution and applied in accordance with the supplier’s instructionsStorage, entry control and industrial hygieneMeets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan. If necessary, detergents/chemicals should be stored separately from foodstuffs in clearly marked containers to avoid the risk of accidental and unintentional contamination of foodstuffs.Storage, entry control and industrial hygieneDetergents and chemicals are stored separately from foods in clearly marked containers to avoid the risk of intentional and unintentional contamination of foods. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
4.1.2 Cleaning procedures and methods4.1.2.1 The cleaning and disinfection methods shall be established and recorded. The water used must comply with the requirements of section 2.4.1. Contamination of foodstuffs with cleaning agents must be prevented.Various cleaning procedures, work instructions that relate to these matters.Meets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
4.2.1 Specifications4.2.1.1 Cleaning and disinfection programs shall ensure that all parts of the device are adequately clean, including the cleaning of the cleaning equipment itself. Where established and established cleaning programs are applied, they should cover the following aspects:
• Areas and parts of installations and utensils to be cleaned
• Responsibility for specific tasks
• Method and frequency of cleaning
• Monitoring facilities Where necessary, the programs should be drawn up in consultation with technical advisers.
Various cleaning procedures, work instructions that relate to these matters.Meets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
4.2.2 Monitoring and verification4.2.2.1 Cleaning and disinfection programs shall be continuously and effectively monitored for their suitability and effectiveness and, where necessary, recorded.Various cleaning procedures, work instructions that relate to these matters.Meets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
4.3.1 General4.3.1.1 Good practices with regard to safety should be applied in order to avoid creating an environment that attracts pests. Good hygiene conditions, inspection of incoming materials and effective monitoring can minimize the likelihood of pests present and thus reduce the need for pesticidesPest controlMeets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
4.3.2 Prevention of access4.3.2.1 Buildings shall be in good condition and in a condition that prevents access to pests and (shelter) places from possible hotbedsPest controlBuildings, terrain, installations and other matters meet the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan. Holes, drains and other places through which pests can easily gain access shall be kept closed. Where closure is not possible (e.g. open windows, doors and fans), measures should be taken, e.g. mesh screens, to limit the entry of pests.Pest controlBuildings, terrain, installations and other matters meet the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan. Where possible, animals should be kept away from premises and food production facilitiesPest controlBuildings, terrain, installations and other matters meet the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
4.3.3 Shelters and infestation/contamination4.3.3.1 Potential food sources should be stored in containers that do not give access to pests and/or should be stored above ground and away from walls.Pest controlBuildings, terrain, installations and other matters meet the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan. Areas inside and outside food establishments should be kept clean. Where necessary, refused material should be stored in containers that do not give access to pestsPest controlBuildings, terrain, installations and other matters meet the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
4.3.4 Monitoring and detection4.3.4.1 Records of periodic inspection of establishments and their surroundings shall be kept and availablePest controlMeets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
4.3.5 Extermination4.3.5.1 Presence of pests must be controlled immediately in such a way that there is no threat to the safety and suitability of foodstuffs.Pest controlMeets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
4.4 Waste management
4.4.1 Deletion, storage4.4.1.1 Suitable facilities shall be operational for the disposal and storage of waste. Waste may not accumulate during the handling of foodstuffs, their storage or other workplaces and their immediate environment unless this cannot be avoided for proper operation.Suppliers and wasteWaste policy meets the requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
4.4.2 Cleaning4.4.2.1 Waste repositories should be kept sufficiently cleanWaste policy meets the requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
4.5 Hygienic care
4.5.1 Monitoring4.5.1.1 The effectiveness of hygienic care systems should be eliminatedHygieneHygiene monitoring meets the requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
4.5.2 verification4.5.2.1 Systems of hygiene care shall be periodically verified by inspections or, where necessary, by microbiological sampling of the environment and surfaces in contact with foodstuffs. The systems should be regularly assessed and adapted to changed conditionsVarious procedures and verificationThe verification of the hygiene system meets the requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
4.5.3 Review score4.5.3.1 Hygiene care systems should be periodically reviewed and adapted to changed conditionsVerification and control roundsThe verification of the hygiene system meets the requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan
5 Furnishing: personal hygiene
5.1 State of health
5.1.1 Prevention5.1.1.1 A system should be operational to prevent access to any place where foodstuffs are handled by persons known or suspected of suffering from or being a carrier of a disease or condition, the contamination of which may be transmitted by foodHygiene procedureThere is a system operation to prevent access to any place where food is treated by persons, who are known or suspected of suffering from or being a carrier of a disease or condition, the contamination of which can be transmitted through food. Meets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit survey scan. Any person infected shall immediately report the disease or of illness to management personnel. Medical examination of a food processor should be carried out if clinically or semiologically necessaryHygiene procedureMeets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
5.2 Diseases and injuries
5.2.1 Conditions to be reported5.2.1.1 Conditions that should be reported to management staff to assess the need for a medical examination and/or may lead to possible exclusion from working with foods include:
• Diarrhoea
• Vomiting
• Fever
• Sore throat with fever
• Visibly infected skin patches (burning, cuts, etc.) • Walking ear, eye or nose
Hygiene procedureMeets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
5.3 Personal care
5.3.1 Protective clothing5.3.1.1 Personnel working with foodstuffs shall ensure proper personal care and, where necessary, wear appropriate clothing, head coverings and footwear.Hygiene procedureMeets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
5.3.2 Cuts and other wounds5.3.2.1 If personnel with a wound are allowed to continue working, cuts and other wounds shall be covered with appropriate water-repellent material.Hygiene procedureMeets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
5.3.3 Washing hands5.3.3.1 Personnel should always wash their hands in case personal care affects the safety of food, for example:
• At the beginning of activities
• Immediately after using the toilet
• After use/processing of untreated or contaminated products that could lead to contamination of other foodstuffs. Personnel should avoid touching “customer and ready” products where this is not necessary
Hygiene procedureMeets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
5.4 Personal behavior
5.4.1 Smoking, eating, blowing5.4.1.1 Persons working with food should refrain from behavior that could lead to contamination of foodstuffs, for example:
• Smoking
• Spitting
• Chewing or eating
• Blowing or coughing over unprotected foods
Hygiene procedureMeets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
5.4.2 Jewellery5.4.2.1 Personal property such as jewelry, watches, pins/pins and other objects should not be worn or introduced into places where foodstuffs are processed if they may endanger the safety and soundness of foodstuffs.

Hygiene procedureHouse rules and hygiene rules are present and meet the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
5.5 Visitors
5.5.1 Care and behavior5.5.1.1 Visitors to places where food is produced, processed or processed must, if necessary, wear protective clothing and comply with the applicable facilities/rules for personal hygiene.Hygiene procedureHouse rules and hygiene rules are present and meet the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan
6 Transport
6.1 General6.1.1 Foodstuffs must be adequately protected during transport to ensure product safetyProcedures, registrations transport and transport.Meets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
6.2 Requirements6.2.1 Where necessary, means of transport and containers must be designed and constructed in such a way that they:
• Do not contaminate food or packaging.
• Can be effectively cleaned and, if necessary, disinfected.
• Allow, where necessary, effective separation of different foods from each other or from other items.
• Provide effective protection against contamination, including dust and smoke/fumes.
• Be able to effectively reduce the maintain temperature, humidity, atmosphere and other conditions necessary to protect foodstuffs from harmful or undesirable microbiological growth and deterioration (leading to incapacity for consumption).
• Provide for the possibility of necessary control of temperature, humidity or other condition
Procedures, registrations transport and transport.Meets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
6.3 Use and maintenance6.3.1 Means of transport and food containers shall be kept in an appropriate condition for use, cleaning and maintenanceVarious cleaning and maintenance procedures.Meets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
6.3.2 Where the same means of transport or container is used for the transport of various foodstuffs or other materials, it shall be effectively cleaned and, if necessary, disinfected between transports.Cleaning and disinfection proceduresMeets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
6.3.3 Where necessary, in particular in the case of bulk transport, means of transport and containers must be designed and marked only for foodstuffs and used only for that purpose.Transport documentsMeets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
7 Product information and consumer awareness
7.1 Party identification7.1.1 Identification of lots is necessary for product recall and facilitates effective inventory management (section 3.2). Each food container/packaging must be permanently marked to identify the producer and the batch (see Codex General Standard for the Labelling of Pre-packaged Foods, Codes STAN 1-1985).Meets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
7.2 Product information7.2.1 All food products shall be provided with information enabling the next person in the food chain to process, sell, store, process or use the product in a safe and correct manner.Label with all necessary informationMeet the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
7.3 Labelling7.3.1 Prepackaged foods must be labeled with clear instructions allowing the next person in the food chain to process, sell, store and use the product safely (see Codex General Standard for Labelling of Pre-packaged Foods, Codex STAN 1-1985)Label with all necessary informationMeet the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
7.4 Consumer information7.4.1 Health information programs should contain the general principles of food safety and reliability. Such programs should make it possible for consumers to understand the importance of each product information, to follow any instruction regarding the product and to enable them to make informed choices. In particular, consumers should be informed about the relationship of time and temperature control and food-related diseases.Product specification and clear communicationProduct specification and communication meet the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
8 Training
8.1 Awareness and 8.1.1 All staff should be aware of their role and responsibility in protecting foodstuffs from contamination and deterioration.Communication and education and trainingCommunication, education training meet the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
8.1.2 Food handlers should have the necessary knowledge and skills to enable them to handle food safely and properly. Those who use strong cleaning agents or other potentially harmful chemicals should be instructed. b.t. safe working methods.Communication and education and training, job descriptionsCommunication, education, training and job descriptions meet the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
8.2 Training programs8.2.1 Factors to be taken into account in assessing the level of training required include:
• The nature of the food, in particular the potential for pathogen growth and deterioration by microorganisms.
• The way in which the food is treated and packaged, including the likelihood of contamination.
• The degree and nature of processing or preparation for consumption.
• The conditions under which the food is treated and packaged.  stored.
• The expected time to use / consumption.
Communication and education and training, job descriptionsCommunication, education, training and job descriptions meet the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
8.3 Instruction and supervision8.3.1 Periodic assessment of the effectiveness of training and instruction shall be carried out. Regular monitoring and reviews should be carried out to ensure that procedures are effectively implemented.Control rounds and verificationControl rounds and verification meet the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
8.3.2 Management and supervisory staff of food companies must have the necessary knowledge of the principles and practices of food safety and soundness in order to be able to assess potential risks and take necessary actions to eliminate deviations (see section 3.5).Job descriptions, education and trainingThe job descriptions, education and training meet the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
8.4 Refresher training8.4.1Training programs should be regularly reviewed and updated if necessary.VerificationMeets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.
8.4.2 Systems should be operational to ensure that food processors are known with all the procedures necessary to ensure the safety and reliability of foodstuffsCommunication and trainingMeets the set requirements. This is assessed during the internal audit and quick scan.

Control measures

The PRPs list shows various possible hazards and points of attention. The applicable aspects are governed by procedures, instructions and the associated measures. Based on the fact that they originate from the PRPs or that the PRPs have given rise to the preparation of these measures, they are not guided by the decision tree. The following measures are in force within our company and are assessed at least annually or in the event of a new risk or an incident with food safety or food defense.

Danger from PRPControl byStandardAction in case of deviationProcedure/Instruction
Cross-contamination with pathogens towards products with a risk of disease.Proper personal hygiene prevents cross-contamination.Everyone must comply with the applicable .Re-instruction staff, address staff. Block products at extremes.Procedure:
hygiene Instruction: hygiene control
Cross-contamination with pathogens or dangerous substances due to poor industrial hygiene in the broad sense of the word with a risk of disease.By monitoring company hygiene, cross-contaminations are prevented.Everyone must comply with the applicable regulations.Re-instruction staff, address staff. Block products at extremes.Procedure: industrial
hygiene Instruction: hygiene control
Pest droppings, food, etc. Pests can be carriers of pathogens with a chance of disease.Good pest control, entrance control and weekly check for accumulation of waste /food.Not unanimated.Additional control applications. Instruction staff. Structural adjustments.Procedures: pests and entrance
controlIns tructions: hygiene control, pest control and entrance control
Accelerated spoilage due to the overemphasis of the product temperature during processing.By controlling the ambient temperature, warming is prevented. By measuring the product temperature, insight is gained into the temperature of the products in the department.See instruction.Block products. Destroy products if the temperature is too high. Ambient temperature control. Lower ambient temperature. Increase throughput. Instruction staff.Instruction: Product Temperature
Spoilage of products due to a too long storage time.Visual checks for shelf life.May not be overdue.Destroy products.How to:
Storage Instruction: Storage Check
Contamination with foreign components: glass, wood, metal, packaging, etc.Control of foreign components and the possibility of cross-contamination.No contamination. No possibility of contamination.Block products, processes or equipment. Perform maintenance. Destroy products.Procedures: PRP, glass,
woodInstruction: control of foreign components
Contamination with PRP due to poor maintenance. And contamination products with non-food-grade agents.Use food-grade resources. Release after maintenance. Perform proper maintenance.Food-grade substance use. Proper maintenance, the release must take place.Block products, processes or equipment. Perform maintenance. Destroy products.Procedures: maintenance, supplier and supplier assessment specifications: general Instruction: release after maintenance
Accumulation of, and cross-contamination with, dirt and microorganisms (pathogens).A good cleaning insight. Also architecturally construct that R&D is possible.Clean and disinfection should be there.Clean again. Check on cleaning output. Instructions to recheck personnel.Procedures: cleaning and
disinfection Instructions: cleaning check, cleaning execution and disinfection control
Contamination/migration of packaging materials to product.Use of food-grade packaging material.Food-grade.Block packaging material. Destroy products.Specification:
GeneralProcedure: Supplier and Supplier Assessment

Risk of illness transmitted label information (e.g. allergens, preparation advice)Correct label information and check this. Qualified and qualified personnel.Correct label.Block labels. Block products. Repackage or destroy.Product information Procedure: release of products, Labelling and packaging
controlI instruction: control process checks
Cross-contamination metaller genes due to incorrect recipeUse the right recipe.Correct recipe.Block and destroy products.Product information, work process
Use, processing of “bad” and dangerous products with all the consequences that entail.Block from approved, deviating products.Do not process products.As still block products and possible recall.Procedures: blockade, incidents and recall
Injuries can occur to the consumer if a product is consumed with a shard of glass.Glass control.No glass in the product.Block and destroy products. Possible recall.Procedures: PRP and
glass Instruction: glass control
Serious injuries can occur to the consumer if a product is consumed with wood splinters.Wood control.No wood in product.Block and destroy products. Possible recall.Procedures: PRP and
woodInstruction: wood control
Cross-contamination metaller genes due to incorrect method.Interim cleaning, planning, recipes, hygiene procedures, closed packaging.No cross-contamination.Block and destroy products. Possible recall.Product information, allergen policy
Accelerated spoilage due to errors in the recipe (too little salt, etc.).Working according to the recipe.Correct recipe.Block and destroy products.Product information, work process
Cross-contamination caused by poor loading of trucksProper loading of trucks, products not on the ground.Loaded correctly.Reload, possibly block products.Procedure: transport
Accelerated spoilage, outgrowth pathogens due to wrong transport temperature.Correct setting up trucks and temperature control.Correct temperature.Reset. Block products if necessary.Procedure: transport
Outgrowth disease processors and spoilage due to a too long shelf life (release THT).Microbiological research into end products.Only release correct shelf life.Re-examinations.Procedure: microbiological examination
Outgrowth pathogens and spoilage due to a too-long shelf life label.Use labels correctly. Control label.Correct label.Block and destroy products.Procedures: Labelling and packaging control. Product information and work process
Cross-contamination due to the poor condition of the building and machines.Maintenance and provision of resources.Must comply.Carry out maintenance, possibly block space/machines. In case of product unsafe products block.Procedures: PRP and
maintenance Instructions: Control PRP and structural inspection
Dangerous products due to the incompetence of personnel.Training and education.Everyone must have had adequate training.Extra training.Procedures: education and
training Instructions: knowledge questions staff and new staff
Dangerous products due to non-functioning or malfunctioning measuring instruments.Calibration
Dangerous products by returning them back into production.Destroy returns.No returns in the process.Block and destroy products.How to: rework
Improper storage, disposal/collection of waste with a risk of contamination of the end product.Collecting waste correctly and quickly disposing of departments.Proper disposal and storage.Block and destroy products.Procedure: waste
Contamination by intent/sabotage.Assumption of “reliable staff”. Keep business closed.Dismissal.How to: Corporate Security
Dangerous situations due to non-compliance with claims.Substantiate and check claims.Fulfill claims.Block and destroy products. Inform customers.Product
information Procedure: customer and customer satisfaction
Product contamination by sick employees or visitors.Obligation to report diseases.No disease.Depending on illness and work performed.Procedures: hygiene and visitors.
Delivering/producing new products that can pose a danger: microbiological, chemical or physical.Product and .Only validated products, spaces, machines and processes.Block and possibly destroy. Re-validate and give instruction.Procedures: product development and calibration
Cross-contamination with dirt, pathogens due to poor washing of clothes.Wash the clothes well.Only clean clothes.Block and dispose of clothing like dirty clothes. Informing external company of ignorance.Procedure: Washing clothes
Delivering products due to poor measurements CCPs due to ignorance.

Competence determination.All CCPs must be measured and controlled correctly.

Block, measure and/or destroy all product processes. Re-instruction staff.Instruction: CCP control
Unsafe product due to incorrect critical settings process or equipmentOnly by authorized and qualified personnel, limited system access, password protectionOnly authorized personnelBlock all product processes, preventive and corrective measures.Tasks and responsibilities overview
Unsafe product due to non-functioning or malfunctioning of process or equipmentMaintenance and availability of resourcesCorrect functioningAll product blocking, preventive and corrective measures.Procedures: Maintenance, Procedure blockade
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