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Allergen management within a food company

An allergen is a chemical that could trigger an allergic response. Allergen management is needed to prevent allergic reactions for the public health.

What is Food hygiene and the considered guidelines?

In order to have safe food troughout chain food hygiene okay a big role and measure can be taken. This examples are part of the iMIS Food Training.

Food surplus? What can a food company do about it?

The following page discusses the requirements of a Food bank or Animal food procedure for food surplus. This example procedure can be used in the food safety handbook.

Molluscs: Example of a common food allergy

In the following an explanation of a common allergen. This case describes molluscs as an example. This examples are part of the iMIS Food training.

What is included in a General Overview?

The following page provides a general overview focus on specification. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook

What is an example of a Packaging procedure ?

The following page describes the packaging and labelling procedure. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

Additives: Is there a E-number list available?

Here is a list where all additives are listed, together with the E number, that can be used as ingredients, for ingredient declarations on the labels.

International Food Standard (IFS) information.

Hereby is information on IFS or International Food Standard which is a standard used to ensure food safety within a food company or elsewhere in the chain.

Transport control: What should be taken into account?

The following page describes the transport control & what is done. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

Skal Biocontrole: Information about the organization

Skal is a European certified organic label, which controls and supervises Dutch organic chains through certification and audits.

Corn: Example of a common food allergy

In the following an explanation of a common allergen. This case describes corn as an example. This examples are part of the iMIS Food training.

Incident procedure: Is there an example available?

Every employee in our company has the duty to report incidents or calamities with the direct manager or quality department. Hereby, an example of a incident procedure.

Storage: Is there a sample purchase specification?

Attached is an example of a purchasing specification for Warehousing, detailing the requirements for renting a food storage facility.

Food Audit: What needs to be taken into account?

A food company must adhere to certain standards during an audit, which varies according to the standard it uses, BRC, IFS, or the FSSC22000.

MRL exceeded? What should the food company do?

Here is a decision tree for the MRL of pesticides, to ensure that the company knows when an MRL violation must be reported to the Food Authority.

BRC: British Retail Consortium Food Safety Standard

BRC stands for British Retail Consortium. This is a trade association for British supermarkets, organization BRC Global Standard for Food Safety developed.

What is an example of organic risk analysis?

The following page gives an example of a Organic risk analysis. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the handbook.

The glass and hard plastic procedure specifics

The following page discusses the requirements of glass and hard plastic. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the handbook

What are some foreign materials hazards examples?

Food can be physically contaminated by different components. Here you can find several examples. Physical contaminants can also be named foreign bodies.

Labelling and packaging check procedure tasks

Hereby the Labelling and packaging procedure. Checking production lines and packaging materials to prevent products from being packed wrongly.

What is an example of a Pest Control procedure?

The following page discusses the requirements of a Pest Control procedure. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the handbook.

The complaints procedure for a food industry company

To understand how complaints are handled, we have made a complaint procedure as an example., including the registration methodology of complaints.

Management reviews? Is there more information?

Annually, the quality department should be assessed with the management review, in order to implement the possible improvements of the quality system.

What is Food defense and where does it come from?

In order to prevent the contamination of food, food defense was established by the Americans. This examples are part of the iMIS Food Training.

Food Defense procedure example for a food company

The following page shows an example of a food defense procedure, including management, human factors employees and public, company areas and operations.

What does the work of the Technical Service include?

The following page describes the Technical service and its tasks. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

Does the surroundings of the Business play a role?

Following the awareness of a businesses surroundings is discussed. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

What needs to be included in a Phone list?

The following page discusses who should be in a phone list included. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

Can mold develop in strong cooling environment?

Strong cooling at a high altitude can cause mold. After the plane lands, the temperature rises, and the condensation will end up on the product.

Perform internal audit

The purpose of internal audits is an ongoing assessment to ensure, that the company follows the procedures and instructions in the quality system.

What is an example for an Maintenance procedure?

The following page discusses the requirements of a maintenance procedure. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the handbook.

What is the pathogen Salmonella and is it a risk?

Salmonella is a bacterium found in animals, its risks and effects are elaborated in the following. This examples are part of the iMIS Food Training.

What is an example of a Quarantine procedure ?

This procedure is designed as a quarantine to ensure that products with an abnormality are not processed and / or delivered. 

The documentation procedure for a food company

The following page discusses the requirements of a documentation procedure. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs for the handbook.

A complaint procedure; How to deal with complaints!

The following page discusses the requirements of a complaints procedure. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs the handbook.

What is a Product Impurities/foreign material Check?

The following page describes and explains a Product Impurities Check. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

What is included in a Disinfection check?

The following page provides a description of a Disinfection check. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

How is a Hygiene Inspection implemented ?

Following a description of a Hygiene Inspections& its implementation. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

How to conduct a Prerequisite program check ?

The following page describes & explains a prerequisite program check. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

GMP: What are Good Manufacturing Practices?

In the following Good Manufacturing Practices GMP are explained and some principals introduced. This examples are part of the iMIS Food Training.

High care and a high risk area in the food company

The following page, discusses what to do when a high care or high risk case occurs. The page is formulated in the form of a procedure for the handbook.

Management of changes? Is there a procedure?

The following page discusses the requirements management of changes procedure. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs.

Lupine: Example of a common food allergy

In the following an explanation of a common allergen. This case describes lupin as an example. This examples are part of the iMIS Food training.

What are examples of Pest Controls in general?

In the following an explanation of pest control in general, its prevention and measurements. This examples are part of the iMIS Food Training.

Metal hazards: Visual metal particles procedure

The following page describes visual inspection of metal in production. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook

What is part of the Glas and Plastic Inspection?

Following a description of what a Glas & Plastic inspection includes. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

Determining customer satisfaction in food industry

It goes without saying that we as an organisation do not exist without the customer. It is therefore important that our customers are satisfied.

Example for a specification and labelling procedure

The following page discusses the requirements of a specification and labelling procedure. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs

Legumes: Example of a common allergy

In the following an explanation of a common allergen. This case describes legumes as an example. This examples are part of the iMIS Food training.

A forwarder; What is the job description of the role

The following page describes tasks & responsibilities of a forwarder. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

What is Food spoilage and can it be prevented?

In the following food spoilage will be explained, how it's contaminated and how it can be prevented. This examples are part of the iMIS Food Training.

Company hygiene for an organisation in food industry

It is important to have proper "industrial hygiene" alongside personal hygiene. This, together with the regulations, prevents cross-contamination.

Calibration procedure, Is there a example available?

Only authorised people should calibrate. This prevents overuse of the devices. All measuring tools should has to be part of the calibration procedure.

What needs to be considered when labelling food?

Prepackaged food needs to be labelled, what needs to be included and the rules are described below. This examples are part of the iMIS Food Training.

Peanut: An example of a common food allergy

In the following an explanation of a common allergen. This case describes Peanuts as an example. This examples are part of the iMIS Food Training.

Do you have an example for a metal procedure?

The following page discusses the requirements of a metal procedure. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

How do you calculate meat content in percentages?

The following passage describes how to use nitrogen method in order to calculate the nitrogen percentage for simple and compound meat products, with examples.

What to consider when reporting an incident?

The following page describes incidents reporting& its implementation. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

What is included in the General iMIS?

The following page discusses the content of at the General iMIS. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

What happens at a Storage Temperature Check?

The following describes the Storage Temperate Check & how it works. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

Entry check procedure; Is there an example available?

The following page discusses the requirements of a entry check. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the handbook.

Milk and Lactose: Example of a common food allergy

In the following an explanation of a common allergen. This case describes Milk & Lactose as an example. This examples are part of the iMIS Food Training.

Handbook info: What is in the Company Description?

A company description is part of the (digital) food safety handbook. The description should at least contain the following points.

Disinfection example procedures for food companies?

Avoid the buildup of and cross-contamination of micro-organisms, thorough cleaning and disinfection are significant by using the following procedure.

What is included in the Wood Check?

The following page describes a Wood Check and its importance. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

What does the work of a Quality Manager include?

The following page describes the Quality Manager responsibilities. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook

Should Salmonella be absent in 10 or 25 grams?

The following case study compares prepared and unprocessed products, if Salmonella must be absent in 10 grams or in 25 grams with the use of legislation.

What are the Food legislations in Europe?

In the following the most recent and important food legislations in Europe are explained. This examples are part of the iMIS Food Training.

The storage procedure example of a food company

The following page discusses the requirements of a storage procedure. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

HACCP team training and meeting requirements

With our HACCP team training you can hold a good session with your team. The HACCP team will understand the role to be executed and will see the importance of frequent meetings and minutes.

What is an example of an after maintenance release?

The following page gives an example of an after maintenance release. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

iMIS Product labeling checklist for food products

Hereby a checklist for food labeling (name, ingredients etc), to ensure that the labels meet the Dutch standards of the Dutch Food Safety Authority.

What information is needed for Training & Education?

The following page describes training and education& its registration. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook

What is an example of an tracing process?

The following page describes an tracing process and what it means. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

Line inspection procedure: What should be included?

The following page describes the implementation of a line inspection. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

To which category does filet americain belong?

According to Regulation 853/2004, 2073/2005 and the Dutch Commodities Act, the question will be answered to which of the categories filet Americain, and more.

Allergen Scan: What should be taken into account?

The following page describes asked questions during an allergen scan. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

What is an example of the SMART Quality Objectives?

The following page discusses the SMART method as a quality objective. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

Microorganisms: Different types of microorganisms

Microorganisms are non visible but there are different types, those are explained in the following. This examples are part of the iMIS Food Wetgevening.

Validation procedure; is there an example available?

The following page discusses the requirements of a validation procedure. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the handbook.

Documentation for Product Development activities

The following describes documentation for product development. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook

Washing clothes purchasing specification example

Herewith an example of a purchase specification, with the requirements for the party responsible for washing clothes of the company.

What Product information can be provided?

The following page discusses the provided product informations. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

What is Listeria monocytogenes and its consequences?

Listeria monocytogenes can cause foodborn diseases why that & what the effects are in the following. This examples are part of the iMIS Food Wetgevening.

Management review: Is there a procedure example?

The quality management is assessed annually. The management review focuses on the food safety system and improvements that can be implemented. 

Do you have a traceability procedure example?

The following page discusses the requirements of a traceability procedure. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the handbook.

What is a CCP check and how is it implemented?

The description of Critical Control Points and their implementation. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

Carrot: Example of a common food allergy

In the following an explanation of a common allergen carrot. This case describes carrots as an example. This examples are part of the iMIS Food training.

Which tasks has the cooking/ preparation employee?

The following page explains tasks of cooking/preparation employees. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook

What is an example of a product release procedure?

The following page discusses the requirements of a product release procedure. This example procedure can be used as part of the food safety handbook.

What is included in a Product Labelling Checklist?

The following page describes the product labelling checklist items. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

PRP: Is there a prerequisite program example?

Hereby a table with an example of the basic requirements for food safety, with the standard text and the further essential specifications based on PRP.

Examples of Pest Control – Rodents & Mice

In the following an explanation of pest control focussing on the effects Rodents and Mice can have. This examples are part of the iMIS Food Training.

Emergency Plan: What is included in the procedure?

The following page discusses the content of an emergency plan. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

Example procedure: Supply and Supplier Evaluation

The following page discusses the requirements of a Supply and Supplier Evaluation procedure. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs.

Soy products: Example of a common food allergy

In the following an explanation of a common allergen. This case describes soy as an example. This examples are part of the iMIS Food Training.

Chicken meat: Example of a common food allergy

In the following an explanation of a common allergen. This case describes chicken meat as an example. This examples are part of the iMIS Food training.

What is GlobalGAP (good agricultural practices)?

GLOBALGAP is an international standard for cultivation that focuses on food safety, the environment, and the welfare and safety of personnel.

Global Allergen management: EFSA, FDA, etc.

Global allergen management is becoming more important when you export. Other countries, or continents might have different allergen requirements.

What is Legionella and what are the Legionella risks?

Legionella is a bacteria found in water & soil which can be easily inhaled and make people ill. This examples are part of the iMIS Food Training.

Entry Check procedure: What is part of the procedure?

The following page describes the Entry check and what it includes. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

Education Plan: What should be included in the plan?

The following page describes an Education plan & its demands. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

Food Safety: What is included in this term?

Food safety is a term used to indicate how (un)safe food is, for example, food that can be contaminated by pathogens, physical or chemical substances.

Egg (products):Example of a common food allergy

In the following an explanation of a common allergen: Egg. This case describes Eggs as an example. This examples are part of the iMIS Food Training.

Crustaceans: Example of a common food allergy

In the following an explanation of a common allergen. This case describes crustaceans as an example. This examples are part of the iMIS Food Training.

What are the internal audit procedure requirements?

The following page discusses the requirements of an internal Audit. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook

What does the work of the Owner includes?

The following page describes the Owner & his responsibilities. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

What is included in a Complaint Registration?

The following page describes the data for a complaint registration. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

What is the meaning of the traceability of a product?

In the following an explanation what traceability of a product means. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook

What happens at a specification Check?

In the following a description of how to do a specification check. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

What is the FSMA?

The FDA's Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) is one of the most well-known laws in the United States, with its focus on prevention of food safety issues.

Do you have an example of a wood procedure?

The following page discusses the requirements of a wood procedure. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

Transportation purchase specifications for food

Here an example of a procurement specification for Transportation, which includes the requirements to be met when procuring food transportation.

Product authenticity, claims and chain assurance

The following page discusses the requirements of the product authenticity procedure. This example procedure can be used as part of the food handbook.

What is included in the Visitor Registrations ?

The following page describes the need for registration of visitors. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

How should you perform a Cleaning Performance Check?

The following provides a description of a cleaning performance check. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

Example of Pest Control – inventory probes & Insects

In the following an explanation of pest control regarding the effects of inventory probes & insects. This examples are part of the iMIS Food Training.

Storage check: What is included in the procedure?

The following page describes the implementation of a storage check. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

Microbiology procedure: Is there a procedure example?

The following page discusses the requirements of a microbiology procedure. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the handbook.

Fine report: a verbal statement or written statement.

It is advise not making an oral comment in the event of a fine report. Verbal remarks might sometimes result in misconceptions that can be used against you later.

Pre-formed packaging: When and why should I use it?

The following page describes pre-formed packaging and its purpose. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

Cocoa: Example of a common food allergy

In the following an explanation of a common allergen. This case describes cocoa as an example. This examples are part of the iMIS Food training.

Cleaning: Is there a purchase specification example?

Below is an example of a purchasing specification, with the requirements for the purchase of cleaning services specifically made for food companies.

What are examples of Quality Policies?

The following page discusses with examples different quality policies. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook

Do you have a hygiene example procedure?

The following page, discusses the requirements of a hygiene procedure. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the handbook.

What happens at a building technology inspection?

Description of the process at a building technology inspection. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

Sulphite: Example of a common food allergy

In the following an explanation of a common allergen sulphite. This case describes sulfite as an example. This examples are part of the iMIS Food training.

Unexpected Food Allergens derived from ingredients

Food allergens are complex to manage. In some cases, certain used e-numbers are derived from other products, what could result in cross contamination.

Example: The washing of clothes procedure?

The following page discusses the requirements of a washing clothes procedure. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the handbook.

What is included in a Pest Control Audit?

The following page describes a Pest Control Audit and its content. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

Cleaning and disinfection procedure in a food company

The following page describes the cleaning process and its importance. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

Nuts: An example of a common food allergy

In the following an explanation of a common allergen. This case describes Nuts as an example. This examples are part of the iMIS Food training.

CIP Cleaning procedure example for food companies

The following page will give a short description about the clean in place or CIP cleaning procedure, part of the prerequisite program or PRPs.

Company Security procedure for food organisations

The following page discusses the requirements of a company security. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

Mustard: Example of a common food allergy

In the following an explanation of a common allergen. This case describes mustard as an example. This examples are part of the iMIS Food training.

What is the BRC? The British Retail Consortium?

The British Retail Consortium scheme consists of an inspection protocol and a technical standard. BRC is a recognized organization for ensuring food safety.

What is the SQF (Safe Quality Food) program?

SQF is a GFSI recognized program for food industry companies and a risk management based food safety management system. Here you can read more about the system.

What are knowledge questions to ask employees?

The following describes knowledge question employees should answer. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

Control Measures: Are there examples available?

The following page discusses different examples for control measures. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

Procedure: determining microbiological proficiency

Hereby is an procedure for companies regarding the demonstrable control of the microbiological condition of the products, the location and neccesary procedures.

Coriander: Example of a common food allergy

In the following an explanation of a common allergen. This case describes coriander as an example. This examples are part of the iMIS Food training.

Allergenen: Veel voorkomende voedselallergieën

Voedselallergenen zijn niet ongewoon en kunnen heel gevaarlijk zijn, daarom volgt hieronder een beschrijving met een overzicht allergenen.

What is an example of a purchasing procedure?

The following page discusses the requirements of a purchasing procedure. This example procedure can be used as part food safety handbook.

Microbiological testing, a purchase Specification

Herewith an example of a purchasing specification, with the requirements to be made when purchasing the microbiological examination by an accredited lab.

What is E. Coli (Escherichia Coli)? and E. Coli Risks

In the following E. coli and its variations will be explained as well as the associated symptoms. This examples are part of the iMIS Food Wetgevening.

Example corrective and preventive measures procedures

Corrective measures are measures taken to remove the cause of an perceived abnormality or other undesirable situation and to prevent reoccurrence.

Pest control: Example purchase specification

Hereby an example of a purchase specification Pest Control, with the requirements for the purchase of pest control methods.

GFSI: What are examples for Food safety standards?

To guarantee Food safety on the market different standards will be explained in the following. This examples are part of the iMIS Food Training.

Is there an example: supplier reviews

An example of a supplier selection and evaluation ( supplier assessment) for the food company, to ensure the quality of the suppliers through documentation.

Examples of mole ratios & how to calculate them

To calculate the organic acids in FSSP you need mole ratios. Here are examples how to do so. This examples can be found in the iMIS Food Wetgevening too.

Example: General terms and conditions of delivery

Hereby we present you an example of the General terms and conditions of delivery to set expectations for your supplier to adhere to certain quality.

Allergens: an overview of common food allergies

Food allergens are not uncommon and can be quite dangerous, therefore in the following a descriptions giving a overview and explanation of the main ones.

What can be included in periodic Consultations?

The following page discusses the content of a periodic Consultation. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

What needs to be recorded in a Personnel Review?

The following page describes needed personnel & review informations. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

What is the purpose of cleaning and disinfection?

Business need to comply to cleaning and disinfection procedures here is explained why& how its done. This examples are part of the iMIS Food Training.

What is included in a Visitor Registration?

The following page describes visitor registration & its needed data. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

The procedure for the microbiological examination

Hereby is an example of a procedure for companies concerning external microbiological research from the sample intake to the evaluation of the research results.

Meat pieces: What is the name per different cut?

The overview below lists all meat designations. Both for pig, beef, calf, chicken and turkey. Want to download it? You can do so now by using the button below.

Pork: Example of a common food allergy

In the following an explanation of a common allergen. This case describes pork as an example. This examples are part of the iMIS Food training.

What to consider when storing the products?

The following page describes what to consider when storing products. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

What needs to be done at a Tracing System Check?

The following page describes a Tracing System Check & implementation. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

32 Folder methodology: How does it work in practice?

The following page is explaining the 32 Folder method and how to check them. This example procedure is part of the PRPs of the food safety handbook.

What are example questions in a Health declaration?

The following page mentions the questions for a heath declaration. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

How does the work of the Management includes?

The following page describes the Management & their responsibilities. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

What is a Hazard Analysis of Raw Materials?

The following page describes the hazard analysis of raw materials. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

Glutamate: Example of a common food allergy

In the following an explanation of a common allergen. This case describes glutamate as an example. This examples are part of the iMIS Food training.

External maintenance purchasing specification

Here is an example, which you can use to make terms clear at the time you use a third party for external maintenance.

What is an example of a Food Defense procedure?

The following page discusses the requirements of the food defense procedure. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the handbook.

Do you have an example of a verification procedure?

The following page discusses the requirements of a verification procedure. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the handbook.

How is communication managed in the food company?

Communication is critical for the organization that is not only the policies and goals, but also everything related to food safety, be understood.

What is meant by cross-contamination?

Cross-contamination happens when two different products come in contact, this can spoil them. This examples are part of the iMIS Food Training.

Product Development procedure an example

The following page discusses the requirements of the product development procedure. This example procedure can be used as part of the food handbook.

Waste procedure: Do you have an example procedure?

The following page discusses the requirements of a waste procedure. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

What is an example for a recall procedure?

The following page discusses the requirements of a recall procedure. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

Are we required to provide tests for the Schmallenberg virus?

The next page will provide more context on the obligation of providing tests for schmallenberg virus, with the implications of the virus. The method is shown.

Celery: An Example of a common food allergy

In the following an explanation of a common allergen. This case describes celery as an example. This examples are part of the iMIS Food training.

Visitors procedure; what are all the procedures?

The following page discusses the requirements of a visitors procedure. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the handbook.

Food safety: Forms and the definition of food safety

In the following an explanation of the meaning of food safety and what its different forms are. This examples are part of the iMIS Food Training.

Fish: Example of a common food allergy

In the following an explanation of a common allergen. This case describes Fish as an example. This examples are part of the iMIS Food Trainnig.

Beef: Example of a common food allergy

In the following an explanation of a common allergen. This case describes beef as an example. This examples are part of the iMIS Food training.

The Supplier Survey: What should be included ?

The following page describes the procedure of a supplier survey. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

How does the HACCP team structure looks like?

Here a description of the HACCP team structure & the responsibilities. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook

What can be understood unter Audit Shortcoming?

The following page describes purpose & steps of audit shortcomings. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

Purchasing Services: Which are common in the food?

The following page gives different examples for Purchasing Services. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the handbook.

What can be done to improve a Food company?

Here the improvements a food company could follow will be disscussed. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

Entry Check requirements: A short check overview

The following page discusses the requirements of the entry check, divided in quality, quantity and safety, with the needed actions at a abnormality

Cleaning supplies example, purchase specification

Here is an example of a purchasing specification, with the requirements to be made when purchasing cleaning products for use in food establishments.

What needs to be part of a cleaning inspection?

The following provides a description of a cleaning inspection. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

What does the work of a Production Employee include?

In the following page a description of the Production employee. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

Sesame: Example of a common food allergy

In the following an explanation of a common allergen. This case describes sesame as an example. This examples are part of the iMIS Food training.

What is the purpose of Process Control Checks?

The following page describes and explains the Process Control checks. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

Definitions for bread pastry specialties products

When using different definitions as claims for pastry and bread, such as whole-grain or rye bread, there are specifications that must be complied.

Organic products procedure: Is there an example?

Hereby an example procedure for organic products. This procedure will go through multiple steps and facets that are important for organic products.

What are Food Safety Complaints?

The following page describes what Food Safety Complaints are. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

Employment agency purchasing specification

Hereby an example of a purchasing specification employment agency, with the requirements that must be made when purchasing services to ensure the quality.

What is Staphylococcus aureus and is risks?

Staphylococcus aureus is a bacteria carried out by humans & animals and has the following effects. This examples are part of the iMIS Food Training.

Example COVID-19 procedure for companies?

This documents explains the measures you can take to prevent the spread and infection of COVID-19 or the coronavirus and viruses in general for companies

What can be understood under a Clothing Check?

In the following a description of a Clothing check will be provided. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

Can you provide a general review for a food company?

The following page discusses the requirements of a general procedure. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

HACCP Teams: What are their main responsibilities?

The following page describes the HACCP team and the HACCP meetings. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

What are different example for Schemes?

The following page discusses the different examples of schemes. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.

Gluten: Example of a common food allergy

In the following an explanation of a common allergen. This case describes gluten as an example. This examples are part of the iMIS Food Training.

What are the knowledge questions for the new staff?

The following page indicates the knowledge questions for new staff. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook

Education and training procedure for food companies

All employees, who fulfil a function in our company, must have the appropriate training, schooling, or experience. This can be done through an external or internal training or education. 

What is the checking of Microbiological Research?

The following describes the checking of Microbiological Research. This example procedure can be used as part of the PRPs in the food safety handbook.
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