The system: iMIS Food SpecCheck

iMIS includes a specification and labeling management system that can be aligned with existing systems. With the specification management system, a company has all end-product specifications under control. The system provides a complete management system from the raw material to the label on the finished product. As a result, end product specifications are provided with good ingredient declaration, , and allergens. The approval ensures that the label and specification match.


Working with the iMIS Food SpecCheck provides the following benefits:


  • Be able to provide the correct product specifications immediately
  • The correct ingredient declaration, allergens, and nutritional values are ready
  • Professional specification management


  • Well-arranged specification management
  • Legally correct ingredient declarations for goods
  • Insight into allergens and nutritional values


  • Good control of raw material specifications and recipes
  • Automatic build-up of end-product specifications
  • Clear approval procedure for end-product specifications

View the functionalities of the iMIS Food SpecCheck here:

SpecCheck iMIS Food overview


The home screen of the iMIS Food consists of ingredients: an of the ingredients, which make up the raw and end products.

  • Raw materials: the raw material from the suppliers, which is linked to the ingredient list.
  • Sub-products: the recipes and sub-recipes that make up the end product
  • End products: the final calculated end which is approved for use


The ingredient overview is the basis of the iMIS Food SpecCheck.  These ingredients can be set up by the user himself with multiple languages and E-number functions, creating a company-specific ingredient table. The ingredients can be provided with an allergen profile. If the supplier has forgotten to state an allergen at raw material level, this has no impact on the final product declaration. It can also be seen in which end products this ingredient is present so that the regulation can be complied with.

Raw materials

In the overview of the raw materials, the raw material specifications of the suppliers are adopted. By linking the specified ingredients to the company-specific ingredient table, the information can ultimately be used for calculations. The origin can also be indicated at the ingredient level. The relevant function can also be selected per E-number. All nutritional information can be taken from the raw material itself and checked for correctness via the NEVO table. It is also indicated whether the correct calorific values have been specified by the supplier.


With sub-products, you can relate the raw materials to recipes. Products with a one-time composition step can be entered directly at the sub-product level, for , a soup, a ham, or a biscuit. Products that contain various compositions, such as meals or meal salads, can ultimately be related to each other at the end product level with different sub-products. In accordance with the GFSI , the specifications (including ingredients and allergens) of all semi-finished products are known.

End products

In the end product overview, the (sub) recipes of the company are combined into the desired end product. All ingredients, allergens, nutritional values, and countries of origin are automatically calculated to produce a correct label. It can be configured per ingredient whether an ingredient still has a function in the end product, whether the percentage should be displayed on the label, and whether or not the E-number should be written out. The product variables can also be entered for the end product specification and moisture loss can be taken into account. Certain raw materials can also be declared separately at the label level. Once approved, the new final product specification is ready to use.

Additional functionality of iMIS Food SpecCheck

For the entire system, all actions are recorded in the system.

  • Overview of allergens within the company
  • Copying completed datasheets
  • Create your own Word templates
  • Define your own intranet export
  • Define your own allergen profiles
  • Define product variants yourself
  • Configurable export functionality to other systems
  • Import function of raw material and recipe structure
  • It is also possible to directly create and fill product labels with the iMIS Food SpecCheck information

Do you want to see more of iMIS Food?

Then schedule a no-obligation online demo!

The implementation of the iMIS Food SpecCheck

  • Explanation of specification management system and training
  • Request recent raw material specifications and recipes
  • Determining the set-up of the final product specifications
  • Adding users to the specification management system
  • Approve new end-product specifications and post on intranet
  • Introducing the new specification management system to colleagues

Do you have any questions about the iMIS Food SpecCheck?

Feel free to contact us and we will be happy to assist you.

View the other components of iMIS Food here

iMIS Food Handbook Handbook for food safety management

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iMIS Food Tracking Traceability

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iMIS Food Helpdesk Food Safety

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iMIS Food Updates Knowledge and Software

takes of both the software and content of iMIS Food. These updates are implemented as iMIS Food Updates. To ensure that this process runs professionally.
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iMIS Food Portal Chain Communication

With iMIS Food Portal, all iMIS Food systems are centrally accessible in the chain. With iMIS Food Portal, the different parts are accessible for everyone in the chain.
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iMIS Food Audit Management System

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iMIS Food SpecCheck Specifications and labeling

With the specification management system, SpecCheck, all the specifications of the finished product under control. SpecCheck is system from raw material to end product.
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iMIS Food Intranet Company Integration

With the iMIS Food intranet, all iMIS Food systems are centrally accessible and standardized. Information can easily be shared between people and systems.
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