Summer edition 2022 Food Safety Compliance Training

On 1 July, a new batch of people took the annual training course again. Due to high demand, we decided to organise another edition starting in January. During the training, all participants received many practical examples of compliance . The course starts in January and will again be spread over five days. Furthermore, we have developed an English fast-track version of the training starting in September that only will be three days.

Next to the regular participants of the training, we had participants over from our food export program. Winnaz from Rwanda and Foga from Sudan were present during the 5-day course. As a cherry on top, John T. Hoffman (Food Protection and Defense Institute, USA)and Carl C. J. Unis (Space Force, USA) presented their few on resilience on day three of the training. Read the full article Cees wrote with C.J. and John in the following link; Food System Resilience within a Learning Organization.

Training information

The position of QA manager for a food firm requires extensive expertise. On the one hand, you must be abreast of the most recent and standards. On the other, you are responsible for guaranteeing that the HACCP study is well-known across the and that the are followed daily. in often need new ingredient declarations, and this information must be placed on the label of the relevant when working with the new recipe. With our Food Safety Compliance for program, we return to the fundamentals, laying the groundwork for effectively performing the complicated role of QA manager, both now and in the future, from a management viewpoint. Provided are tools that are needed for every Food . How can I organise the business so that all and quality criteria can be satisfied in real-time?

Food Safety Compliance English 3-day fast track

As there is a higher demand for quality , it is more and more common to have non--speaking quality . For these employees and that operate outside of the Netherlands, we designed the 3-day fast track. The Fast track covers the same topics. However, we will go faster through the material and focus more on practical and operational examples.

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