Management review

is reviewed annually. The management considers the food safety system and the possible improvements that can be made. This at the right investments. The report is the input for the management review. In addition to the verification , the following aspects must be highlighted in the management review:

General Affairs Management Review

An of the past year is given. What have we achieved, where were our opportunities and pitfalls. And of course what we want to achieve in the future (in outline) as a . What has been achieved with regard to and the ethics .

Objectives Management Review

The goals of the past year are discussed and reviewed.

Agreements and improvements last year

The agreements made and possible improvements that emerged from the previous management review are assessed. If agreements made have not been carried out or objectives have not been achieved, a reason is given or a cause carried out. This is taken into account in determining points for and in drawing up new agreements and objectives.

Verification and Audits

The verification and internal and external audits are discussed. Items from the verification and audits that require additional attention are included in this report.

Hazard study and the basic conditions program

The in the hazard study are discussed. The basic conditions program is also reviewed. Future changes to the hazard study are discussed and recorded. The effectiveness of the HACCP plan, Food defense plan and is reviewed.

Incidents and recalls performed

It is determined whether recalls were necessary in the past year. This applies to recalls with and without a notification requirement.

Machinery, tools and buildings

What investments have taken place. What investments will take place in the coming years. Have there been any problems

Validation (process, product, personnel, means of production)

The investment list is used to determine whether all necessary validations have taken place. It also looks at whether the investments have met their intended purpose.

Customer communications

Have all possible product deviations or been communicated to customers. This includes that have been delivered to customers. complaints and customer feedback.


It is determined whether the environment has had a negative influence on our activities. This involves looking at hazards but also at nuisances such as noise and vibrations. In addition, it is determined whether there are any possible changes in the future.

Transport Management

Have there been problems with transport? Does transport take place according to agreements made? What is being done about environmental improvements?

Maintenance Management

Has major maintenance been required? Is major maintenance scheduled?Has maintenance resulted in unsafe conditions?

Personnel (provisions)

Is there sufficient staff to deliver the desired quality and safety? Are the staff facilities sufficient? Is the knowledge sufficient of the staff? Are any training or courses planned?

Design and safety in the workplace

Have any accidents occurred in the past year? Have any unsafe situations occurred? Have there been “almost” accidents? Has there been a health and safety inspection? If so, what were the findings?

External influences

What external influences have played a role? These include a financial crisis, supply problems, suppliers going bankrupt, etc.

Customer satisfaction

Are customers satisfied with the services and products provided? Lost relationships, sales increases with existing customers, complaints and delivery failures, visit reports or contact moments can be used as input.

Internal and external communications

Has the quality system been communicated? Are all objectives known? How has communication occurred with staff? How has communication occurred with external parties?

Allergen Management

Have there been problems with allergens? This can be internal but also from the complaints. Are all allergens controlled in practice? Have any new allergens been added?

Labelling Management

Have there been any problems with labels? Internal records and complaints should be consulted for the assessment. Do all labels comply with legislation and customer requirements? Are ingredients, images and names correct?

Changes affecting food safety

Have there been any changes in processes, products, or machinery that have affected food safety?

Objectives in the coming years

The verification and management review provide input for setting food safety and quality objectives. Objectives already planned company-wide are also included in the report. As far as possible, the objectives are linked to departments.

As a result of the management review

  • New objectives can be drawn up.
  • If necessary, the policy must be adjusted.
  • Improvements requiring investments can be implemented.
  • General improvements can be implemented.

A report of the management review is prepared by the quality department. This report is signed for approval by the management team.
All relevant aspects of the management review are communicated to the staff members through consultation.

Appendix Management Review

Where relevant, the following items are included in the management review annually:

  • Scientific and technical developments;
  • Industry-related codes;
  • New arising from information about recalls, authenticity of raw materials, food defense;
  • Relevant legislation (both and country of sale);
  • Changes in standards (GFSI).

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We are a Food Tech firm in Food Safety Compliance. Experts in setting up and maintaining Food Safety Systems for companies in the Food Supply Chain. We are dedicated to breaking down the barriers for Transparency and Trust in the Global Food Supply Chain.
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